Rodney Leach

Senior Associate
San Francisco
Rodney Leach Profile Image




MA and a Certificate in Landscape Studies, University of Pennsylvania
BA, Architecture with a Minor in Studio Arts, University of Minnesota

Prior to joining WRNS Studio, Rodney worked on large-scale design and planning projects ranging from airports to cities in the Middle East. With a background in urban design, he approaches all design as a deep contextual investigation: how does a building interact with its site, what is culturally appropriate, and most importantly how will it function for its inhabitants? Rodney pairs his contextual research with a strong technical foundation to produce actionable designs for projects of any scale.

For Rodney, sustainability is not about gadgets or shortcuts; it’s about principles. Coming from a family of farmers and mechanics, he carries the practicality of those trades — they reuse things, quite simply, for economy and efficiency — into his design approach.